Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I often have workshop participants comment on how much I know about a particular technology. At first, I was more than a little embarassed about it, protesting that I wasn't all that knowledgeable.

Over time, however, I came to realize that my knowledge base WAS larger and more comprehensive than many other teachers, at least in the area of technology. I eventually came to some conclusions about the time I spent, and what other people were willing to do to further their expertise.

On the average, I spend 5-10 hours a week either online, reading about technology topics, attending workshops, testing out hardware and software, and otherwise keeping myself up-to-date on technology. That's in addition to preparing to present workshops, taking classes in the summer, and attending seminars and conferences.

All that is W-A-A-A-y more than the average teacher. So, it's perhaps not surprising that I can use the technology more effectively. On the other hand, many teachers spend more time on lesson planning than I; the quality of their planning shows in the lessons. I also am terrible about keeping up-to-date on the grading. I need to budget more time for formal feedback via corrected papers.

In the end, you get better in the areas that you focus on. For me, it ends up being the tech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Thanks for leaving your blog open to comments.

I always like to live a little "tidbit" of information, hopefully helpful and hopefully something that will make you think - and act.

This one is short and sweet, and I'll bet you haven't done (or done recently ), but after looking at your blog I'm pretty sure you will at least take some action, because you seem like a smart person.

Set New Goals.

Do you have any old ones written down? Have you set life goals?

Most people don't.

You will if you use some of the FREE information at Lifetime Goals

Have A Happy New Year!