I received an MP3 player for Christmas - not the famous Apple IPod, which always seemed to me like a walking advertisment that the owner knew squat about tech. It wasn't completely intuitive to get started using (of course, I didn't bother with the directions), but within a short time, I was enjoying listening to music and books on tape without carrying around a bulky CD player. I'm hoping that I can make use of it while exercising; I certainly need the workout.
At school, yesterday we had an Instructional Fair. My department head and I showed teachers our new Quizdom setup. Afterwards, the feedback was terrific. I've heard from a good 1/2 dozen people that we did a fine job. Nice to hear it, though.
I've been exploring our school's eChalk site. It's at
Wade Hampton High School. You can search for my page, then click on the individual class pages to see what I'm talking about. One peeve I have is that updates are slow to load. However, I can see that it's a useful tool for the newbie to manage. And, I can see that it would be easy to set up a group for the Science Department, the 9th grade Academy, etc. I might just do that.
A news feed I've been enjoying lately is
Tech Central Station, which primarily focuses on the impact of technology on life and society, but goes into interesting topics such as
the effect of life extension on populations, or
drug development and the currently litigious climate.