Thursday, December 09, 2004


The "Winter Break" is fast approaching, and it's likely that the overload of responsibilities will make updates less frequent. I should be back by January 3rd, if not sooner.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!


Anonymous said...

Home school


Have you done anything earth shattering lately?

Read anything that really sets your mind on fire with a passion to do good?

How about doing something important for yourself?

Have you?

Do you know without a doubt where life is taking you?

Got a Plan?

Know how to get there?

Most people don't. They just go through life hoping for the best. How can you possibly reach your dreams if you don't have a real plan?

A new year is coming. It's time to start thinking about your New Years Resolution and really start planning your life don't you think…

…follow through on some of those old goals you had years ago.

Even people in the goal setting business tend not to visit their "life plan" very often.

Are you one of those?

Need a little refresher and some FREE goal setting tips?

Spend a few minutes at Long Term Goals and take away life changing information.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...



After reading a good blog I tend to analyze it to see what the person behind it might be like.

I've been in the goal setting business a while now and just like most people with experience in different areas of expertise, I can tell a lot about a person just by speaking to them or reading something they've written.

You haven't wrtten any goals on paper for awhile have you? And if you have I'll bet you haven't looked at them for a long time. Right?

Goal setting is hard work, and harder still if you don't have short range goals, mid range goals and long range goals.

I think you'll agree that few people really take the time to set goals of any kind.

When is the last time you really thought about setting some real goals, or are you like the vast majority of people who just "hope for the best"?

You already know successful people aren't "just lucky", they know how to set effective goals and reach them.

I was like that once, you might be also.

How about changing all that.

Come on over to goals+ and learn exactly how to set effective goals, act on them and be the real you.

There's a ton of FREE information and who knows, this little insert in your blog might well change your life!

Happy New Year!